The requested module '/node_modules/.vite/deps/file-type.js?v=74b3d8f6' does not provide an export named 'fileTypeFromBlob'
SheldonWBM opened this issue · 2 comments
SheldonWBM commented
From the browser console:
The requested module '/node_modules/.vite/deps/file-type.js?v=74b3d8f6' does not provide an export named 'fileTypeFromBlob'
Vite: 5
React: 18
Yarn: 4 with PnP modules
This issue is similar to issue #619 where the solution is vague.
Is the "re-export" method compatible with Plug n' Play modules?
Is the potential issue with the vite.config
the way modules are optimized (i.e. optimizeDeps
Is there a working example with Vite and Yarn PnP?
sindresorhus commented
This package has the correct config. The problem is with one of your tools and you should ask on their support channels instead.
LancerComet commented
This package has the correct config. The problem is with one of your tools and you should ask on their support channels instead.