
Filtering files with paths outside of gulp folder not possible?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

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it seems that currently gulp-filter does not support filtering files with paths outside of the folder the gulp.task is running in.
if the current behavior is desired an options to allow other paths as well would be nice (as done by del package for example).
thanks & regards,

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maximelkin maximelkin has been rewarded.

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We have a test for this that proves it should work:

it('should filter relative paths that leave current directory tree', cb => {
But happy to take another look if you submit a failing test.

thanks a lot for the quick response. I'm going to have a look at your tests.

I am not sure if this is relevant: I am doing this in a multi-root workspace in VS Code and I am referencing folders in another root folder ("./../otherRoot/test")
But for gulp-filter these are all probably just path strings(?)

seems you can do
(1) gulp.src("A/B/**/*.*").pipe(filter("A/B/**/*.xx")

but you can't do
(2) gup.src("../A/B/**/*.*").pipe(filter("../A/B/**/*.xx")
it just returns 0 files. no error message

case (2) only works if ".." is replaced with "**" within the filter

@issuehunt has funded $40.00 to this issue.

@sindresorhus has rewarded $36.00 to @maximelkin. See it on IssueHunt

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