
Bump Jasmine to 2.3.4 to resolve hotfix bug.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Please refer to: jasmine/jasmine#850

Lol, this is the 7th time I paste this blog post today. Seems like no one knows how semver works...

@sindresorhus I understand semver but for some reason this is the dependency tree I get when specifying gulp-jasmine as '^2.0.1':

gulp-jasmine@2.0.1 node_modules/gulp-jasmine
├── jasmine-terminal-reporter@0.9.1
├── through2@0.6.5 (xtend@4.0.0, readable-stream@1.0.33)
└── jasmine@2.3.1 (exit@0.1.2, jasmine-core@2.3.4, glob@3.2.11)

I see the package in gulp-jasmine specifies jasmine as '^2.1.0' so I guess it might be they haven't published to npm yet?

UPDATE: yup... Sorry to bother you.