
gulp-jasmine fails to test if module loader is SystemJS ???

Closed this issue · 2 comments

So I may be new to this thing, but I am trying to use gulp to build, lint and test my demo solution. The app is using Angular 2, Gulp, SystemJS, gulp-tslint and gulp-jasmine, however I am unable to get the gulp-jasmine to run without falling over. It complains with the following

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
TypeError: Invalid System.register call. Anonymous System.register calls can on
ly be made by modules loaded by SystemJS.import and not via script tags.
at SystemJSNodeLoader. (D:\ng2demo\node_modules\systemjs\dist\sys
at SystemJSNodeLoader. (D:\ng2demo\node_modules\systemjs\dist\sys
at SystemJSNodeLoader. (D:\ng2demo\node_modules\systemjs\dist\sys
at SystemJSNodeLoader.reduceRegister_ (D:\ng2demo\node_modules\systemjs\dist
at SystemJSNodeLoader.pushRegister_ (D:\ng2demo\node_modules\systemjs\dist\s
at SystemJSNodeLoader.SystemJSLoader.register (D:\ng2demo\node_modules\syste
at Object. (D:\ng2demo\app\assets\services\config.service.spec.js
at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
at Module.load (module.js:343:32)

The JS file it is attempting to run is a spec written in TypeScript and transpiled to JS with gulp-typescript. So the top line of the file is...

System.register(['angular2/core', 'angular2/http', 'angular2/http/testing', './config.service'], function(exports_1, context_1) {
//Do Stuff

It is this line it has a problem with, any ideas ???

Can anyone get back to me on this ?

Sorry, but this is not a workflow that I'm familiar with and I don't think it's something we are interested in supporting. If the problem wasn't with gulp-jasmine, and you find a solution, feel free to post it here. If the problem was with gulp-jasmine, and you're interested in submitting a pull request to solve it, I'd review it.

I'll close this issue for now, feel free to comment below.