Reverse Workflow
nfarrar opened this issue · 1 comments
I apologize if this is a poor question (new gulp user, no experience with Lo-Dash).
I was trying to get started with gulp-template, but couldn't figure out how to utilize it in my use-case - it seems like I'm potentially trying to "do things backwards". I ended up finding a working solution with gulp-header and gulp-footer, but it's not very flexible and I'd like to implement better templating. Here's my use-case:
var fs = require('fs');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var tap = require('gulp-tap');
var header = require('gulp-header');
var footer = require('gulp-footer');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var fm = require('gulp-front-matter');
var marked = require('gulp-markdown');
// Build a single index.html from a glob of markdown files, specifically for use with impressjs.
gulp.task('build:index', function (callback) {
// Parse a glob of markdown files.
gulp.src(src + '/markup/**/*.md')
// Strip the frontmatter - it gets shoved into['...']
.pipe(fm ({property: 'fm', remove: true}))
// Expose['..'] variables generated by gulp-front-matter using gulp-tap.
// Because we don't want to write empty tags if the values aren't defined, we
// set default variables that initialize the entire tag attribute.
.pipe(tap(function(file, t) {
slide_id =['id']==undefined ? '' : 'id="' +['id'] + '"'
slide_class =['class']==undefined ? '' : 'class="' +['class'] + '"'
slide_properties =['properties']
// Generate html from the remaining markdown.
// Wrap the markup in div tags, generated from the frontmatter.
// If the variables are not defined, an error is not generated, they simply are not
// written. Perfect behavior for my use case, but probably should be more explicit.
.pipe(header('<div <%= slide_id %> <%= slide_class %> <%= slide_properties %>>\n'))
// Concatenate all the html into a single file.
// Wrap the generating html in our impressjs header and footer.
.pipe(header(fs.readFileSync('src/templates/impress-header.tpl', 'utf8')))
.pipe(footer(fs.readFileSync('src/templates/impress-footer.tpl', 'utf8')))
// Write the index file.
// Fill up our logs.
gutil.log('Recompiled index.html')
So all of the included examples all follow the sample basic pattern:
- The pipeline source is the template
- Some variables are generated in the pipeline
- The variables are applied to the template
- An output file is written.
In my case, the src is a glob of files that I'm parsing, and the pipeline contains content I want to keep. As a new gulp user, I don't know how to make that logic work with gulp-template - as my logic seems backwards from the use-cases presented for gulp-template in the examples.
Do you have any suggestions?
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