
Throwing error on given `view-source:` url string

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const normalize = require('normalize-url');
const n = normalize('view-source:')

throws the error:

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL: http:view-source:
    at onParseError (internal/url.js:243:9)
    at new URL (internal/url.js:319:5)
    at normalizeUrl
  input: 'http:view-source:',

Is this intentionally an error? Seems unintentional to me because it first prepends http to the input, turning it into 'http:view-source:https://... and then leaving it to the URL function to handle it, if I'm correct.

It would be awesome if we could have view-source urls handled by this module itself. Either define a normalisation result for view-source like how it's done for data urls, or return a clear error message.

I agree the error could be better (PR welcome for that), but I'm not interested in supporting lots of random protocols.