
Firefox opened in private mode or with new instance (or both) does not execute url

artjomkruglenkov opened this issue · 1 comments

Firefox launched with any combination of private / new instance arguments just opens an empty window in a correct mode, but without any url in the address bar.

MacOs Big Sur.

The command line below, generated by await open(url, {app:{name:'firefox',arguments:['-private-window']}}), cannot open url in Private Mode with Firefox.

"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -private-window

While this command line can

"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -private-window

see also

So before the issue gets fixed, use open.openApp() instead of open() to open url in Private Mode with Firefox, but not necessary for Chrome and Edge.

let apps = [
    "name": "chrome",
    "arguments": ["--incognito"]
    "name": "edge",
    "arguments": ["--inprivate"]
    name: 'firefox',
    arguments: ['-private-window']

function openUrl(url, app){
  let pos;
  if ( === 'firefox' && Array.isArray(app.arguments) && (pos = app.arguments.indexOf('-private-window')) > -1) {
    let args = app.arguments.slice();
    args.splice(pos + 1, 0, url);
    return open.openApp(open.apps.firefox, {arguments: args});
  return open(url, {app: app});

openUrl('', apps[2]);