
blink in vscode integratedTerminal

WakerCN opened this issue · 2 comments

code: spinner.js

const ora = require('ora');
const spinners = require('cli-spinners');

const spinner = ora({
  text: 'loading ...'

spinner.spinner = spinners.timeTravel;


when I lauch spinner.js in vscode integratedTerminal
the text will blink like this

when I open the windows terminal to lauch spinner.js, it behave normally, will not blink,like this

so how can i make it not to blink in vscode integratedTerminal ?

Since this only happens in the VS Code terminal, you should open an issue there instead.

For me its the other way around, works fine in VS code terminal, but not in Windows Terminal, there its blinking just like yours..

Other spinners don't have this problem, just ora