
Add concurrency option

niftylettuce opened this issue · 3 comments

Similar to p-map, it would be nice to have this built-in rather than have to use p-limit for instance.

How would this even work? Reduce depends on the last value. If it doesn't, then why do you need reduce?

How would this even work? Reduce depends on the last value. If it doesn't, then why do you need reduce?

One potential use-case would be when the values can be determined asynchronously and independent from each other. Currently this can mostly be archived with pMapIterable, however, that requires a for loop and thus cannot easily be used in e.g. an expression.

Or in other words: pReduce should be able to accept not only Iterable<Promise|any> but also AsyncIterator<any>. This way one could write pReduce(pMapIterable(values, mapper), reducer, initialVal)