
Support for zscaler

Closed this issue · 6 comments

some organizations use zscaler. This causes some ip resolver services to recognize the zscaler IP instead of the actual user's IP.

This issues is to request the support of overriding the standard ip address resolvers (icanhazip and ipify) with a list of user defined resolvers.

Just curious, what resolvers would you use instead?

Strangely, the ipify resolver returns the correct IP. But the icanhazip returns the zscaler ip.

So, for now it seems that reversing the order of the array would resolve the issue.

The Ipify service is open source, so I think it would be worth opening an issue over there to support Zscaler:

Ipify operates as desired.

The first item (icanhazip) in the lookup array does not. Opening an issue on that repo could be appropriate.

Right. I guess we could change the order.

I think as a workaround, I'll probably just do a fetch to the URL directly.
I don't understand the behavior of zscaler enough to believe that switching the order is a permanent fix.