- 14
maxSize is not correctly enforced
#17 opened by BTOdell - 3
- 9
ESM file extension
#28 opened by Diluka - 2
Support also CommonJS
#50 opened by jfoclpf - 1
Array as a key not working
#49 opened by hilja - 2
How to get the `maxSize` of a cache instance?
#47 opened by tbontb-iaq - 0
Pass generic constraints to Map
#46 opened by tbontb-iaq - 1
Documentation for `.set` is wrong.
#45 opened by mstade - 1
#44 opened by Xfinland - 3
feat: if third argument is a number to `set(key, value, opts || maxAge)`, then assume it is `maxAge`
#42 opened by titanism - 2
- 0
- 0
Latest version causes an exception in ts-jest
#38 opened by mmomtchev - 2
Cast `QuickLRU` to `Map`
#34 opened by szmarczak - 4
Explicit maxAge in set() is stored as relative
#35 opened by mwojnars - 2
cache.set maxAge property is bug?
#32 opened by Feverqwe - 1
resize is undefined
#29 opened by fengkx - 2
Support max-age
#18 opened by sayem314 - 2
`.entries` method
#25 opened by silverwind - 2
- 0
Dynamic size change
#19 opened by elirazco-ma - 1
- 5
- 1
Published transpiled source
#7 opened by skeggse - 1