
Unknown object type "asyncfunction"

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I love serize error but all of a sudden today (in the cloud) I started getting the following error in my app. Since serialize-error seems to be the only lib using object-hash, I decided to remove serialize-error.. and everything was ok again.. any idea why it happens ?

          throw new Error('Unknown object type "' + objType + '"');

Error: Unknown object type "asyncfunction"
    at Object._object (/var/www/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:218:17)
    at Object._function (/var/www/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:319:14)
    at Object.dispatch (/var/www/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:185:30)
    at /var/www/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:246:18
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object._object (/var/www/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:242:21)
    at Object._function (/var/www/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:319:14)
    at Object.dispatch (/var/www/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:185:30)
    at /var/www/node_modules/object-hash/index.js:246:18
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

serialize-error does not use object-hash

"type-fest": "^2.12.2"

i seen this in my yarn.lock so figured it did ?:


  version "1.1.3"
  resolved ""
  integrity sha512-vybp3GItaR1ZtO2nxZZo8eOo7fnVaNtP3XE2vJKgzkKR2bagCkdJ1EpYYhEMd3qu/80DwQk9KjsNSxE3fXWq0g==
    object-hash "^1.1.2"
    stack-trace "0.0.9"
    uuid "^3.0.0"

apologies.. wrong lib :(