
Add --share option - to share the typical speedtest.png

CodeBrauer opened this issue · 6 comments

Would be nice to add an option like --share to get a link to share your result:



👍 A good PR would be merged, but I don't need this myself, so won't come from me.

If someone can convince me this is a useful feature I would have a look to implementing this. But to me personally, this plugin is really just for my own needs. Never feel the need to share my speedtest result.

@SamVerschueren I'm using the share format somtimes because of:

  • saving this data (it has all data that I need)
  • sharing the result to my ISP/Customer (in case of problems/analyzes)

It was just an idea, mainly a pretty basic text output does the job very well.

Hi @CodeBrauer

So if the --verbose flag is implemented (see #6), that would provide you with enough information?

@sindresorhus, wdyt? Do you want this feature to be implemented? I let you decide, it's your module after all ;).

Another possibility (I guess) is to use the output of speed-test --verbose --json and pipe that to another module (for instance speed-test-share) that will generate the shareable link. Or just create speed-test-share that will use this module to generate the shareable image. Just to keep this module small and not bloat it with loads of features.

Just wild ideas here...

@SamVerschueren - Oh didn't catch that, I should really update my npm packages more often. That's enough for me 👍

--verbose flagged was added in #21, so I consider this fixed.