
install failed on Mac ~-~

RayJune opened this issue · 2 comments

like this
➜ ~ npm install --save trash
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/rayjune/package.json'
└── trash@4.0.1

npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/rayjune/package.json'
npm WARN rayjune No description
npm WARN rayjune No repository field.
npm WARN rayjune No README data
npm WARN rayjune No license field.

You are trying one of the following things

  1. You want to install it globally so that you can run trash in your command line
  2. You want to install it inside a project so that you can use the trash API

In case of 1, you should install trash-cli.

In case of 2, you ran the npm command inside your home directory which doesn't have a package.json.

aha ~! Thank you very very much.