
[REJECTED] Windows standalone binary

sergeevabc opened this issue · 7 comments

Dear Sindre,
Could you be so kind to generate .exe for the rest of us who use Windows only?
I’m told that either Nexe or EnclosureJS might help you to achieve that.

Works on macOS, Linux, and Windows.

It's a CLI, not a Electron app. Just install with npm and run as documented.

@SamVerschueren, I asked about standalone binary explicitly to launch on thumbdrive outside NPM environment hence the subject of issue. Mentioned tools (Nexe, EnclosureJS) state that it’s possible.

Feel free to make that. Not something I'm interested in though.

Or the easy way, if node is available on every computer you want to use it on. Create a directory wallpaper on your thumb drive and npm install this package inside that directory. In the root of the directory, create a .bat file (or whatever it is called these days) which executes the node_modules/.bin/wallpaper. Just an idea though.

@sindresorhus, had user been able to polish reported roughness, he would be called a developer…
@SamVerschueren, found a gem by name of WallpaperChanger: 11 KiB, works flawlessly.

Had user been able to polish reported roughness, he would be called a developer…

Had open source contributors/maintainers be paid for their work, they would be called employees...

@SamVerschueren, the very reason why open source developers are praised is their voluntary alacrity to make life easier. It means doing, even with loose schedules and vague roles, not procrastination, extortion or other passive-aggressive behaviour. Otherwise either project should be honestly marked as abandoned or feedback (i.e. issue tracker) should be muted to strangle public expectations at birth.