
Configurator Components Usecase

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Great job with this library!!

I was going through the code and functionalities and noticed there is no usecase (as far as I can see) for most of the components (except for toolbar) under the folder projects/lib/src/configurator, the ones in the red rectangle from the following screenshot:


Is there any place where I can these components in action with the configuration, inputs, outputs...?


Thanks for the feedback! You are right, these components should be documented. Their purpose is to help build configurators (aka forms) with less boilerplate code.

We use this library in this open-source application:
The readme shows a few examples of these components, and you can see how they are used in these configurators:

Thanks a log @ericleib.

I just cloned, ran "npm install" on branch "develop" and got the following error:

Image 3

Thanks again, mate.

Could you try with npm install --legacy-peer-deps? You might want to use a more stable branch, like release_11.9.0.

However, you won't be able to run the app without a Sinequa (=our product) back-end and user account.

Thanks. I managed to build the project from branch release_11.9.0 but with command npm install --legacy-peer-deps but it did not load the app in the browser due to the missing account, as you mentioned above.
I supposed having an account is a costly exercise since the Sinequa seams to be an enterprise products.
...anyway, I will take a look at the readme file, as you suggested above, and I will also try to go throught the code to guess the things.

It is an interesting project and I would also be interested in contibuting so I hope I could get some help getting up and running.

Thanks again.

Sounds good! We would be happy to help you contribute.
Have you tried building and tinkering with the demo application ("pokestore") ?

Can give me an example about drag and drag inside custom ui template.