Delay for propogation
WayneManion opened this issue · 5 comments
Hello. I used your script the other night to get my SSL setup going. I did have to make one change, though.
I got failure after failure running the script as delivered. When I added a 10-second delay in the dehydrated script in between sending the DNS-01 string and the verification step it worked on the first try.
I suggested adding an option for this delay on the dehydrated github issues forum, but it was suggested that this feature be added on a per-host-script basis.
I saw other issue. Need to investigate.
Could you share how you did edit the script?
I added
'sleep 10'
right after (line 782):
' # Validate pending challenges'
# Validate pending challenges local idx=0 echo " + Waiting 10 seconds. (WMM)" sleep 10 while [ ${idx} -lt ${num_pending_challenges} ]; do echo " + Responding to challenge for ${challenge_names[${idx}]} authorization..."
I will try. In all my tests, I never got this issue. Cloudflare is very fast. Probably a network issue, but I will investigate. One question: how many domains did you try to secure at same time?
I was initially trying with two domains, but I cut it down to one at a time after I repeatedly had problems.