
This repository contains all the codes which i coded during the learning of Dynamic Programming.

Primary LanguageC++

DP Beginner to Advanced 👨🏻‍💻

  • It contains all the codes which i coded during the learning of Dynamic Programming With All Possible Approaches Like -

Space Optimisation (Wherever Needed)

Type Of Questions/S-No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1D - DP on Jump Patterns DP Fibonacci Frog Jumps for 2 steps Frog Jumps for K steps Horse Robber 2 Maximum sum of non-adjacent elements(House Robber) N-stairs - - - - -
2D - DP on Grid Grid Unique Paths 2 Grid Unique Paths Minimum Falling Path Sum Minimum Path Sum Ninja Training Triangle - - - - -
2D - DP on Subsequences 0-1 Knapsack Coin change 2 Count Partitions With Given Difference Count Subset with sum K Minimum Coins Partition Equal subset sum Partition a set into two subsets such that the difference of subset sums is minimum Rod Cutting Problem Subset Sum Equals to Target Target sum Unbounded Knapsack
2D - DP on Strings Longest Common Subsequence Print Longest Common Subsequence Longest Common Substring Longest Palindromic Substring Minimum Insertions To convert a string into Palindromic String Minimum Number of Insertion-Deletions to Make both strings Equal Shortest Common Supersequence (String Matching) Distinct Subsequences (String Matching) Edit Distance (String Matching) Wildcard Matching -
2D - DP on Stocks Best Time to Buy & sell stock Best Time to Buy & sell stocks 2 Best Time to Buy & sell stocks 3 Best Time to Buy & sell stocks 4 Best Time to Buy & Sell stock with Cooldown Minimum Number of Insertion-Deletions to Make both strings Equal - - - - -
2D - DP on Increasing Subsequences Longest Increasing Subsequence(LIS) Printing the Longest Increasing Subsequence(LIS) Longest Increasing Subsequence(LIS)-Binary Search Largest Divisible Subset(LIS) Longest String chain Longest Bitonic Subsequence Number of Longest Increasing Subsequences - - - -
2D - DP On Partitions(MCM) Pattern Matrix Chain Multiplication Memoization Matrix Chain Multiplication Tabulation Minimum cost to cut the Stick Burst Balloons Boolean Evaluation Palindrome Partition Partition array for Maximum sum Maximum rectangle area with all 1s Count square submatrices with all 1s - -
3D - DP on Grid (Jump Pattern) Cherry Pickup (On stocks) Best Time to Buy & sell stocks 2 (On stocks) Best Time to Buy & sell stocks 3 - - - - - - - -

< / > with ❤️ by Kunal Singh

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