Links from Instagram 404 sometimes
Opened this issue · 4 comments
jessdwitch commented
I've been getting intermittent reports from people on Instagram that they get a 404 when they click the SL in the bio. I believe it's the Instagram built-in browser bolting on a bunch of extra query params, and SingleLink is choking on them.
tirw commented
I was able to circumvent this by appending a #
to the url like:
jessdwitch commented
Unfortunately, Instagram sanitizes the #
off the end :(
not-available-username commented
If I add # Instagram changes it to %23 and it works, though is not clean looking. Hope to see a fix soon.
heyakyra commented
Unfortunately, Instagram sanitizes the # off the end :(
The app removes the trailing #
, but you can just as easily use an open source URL shortener like or to prevent that