
test_terms for nlme::lme

GuillaumeA2 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi Henrik,

I'm having troubles getting test_terms to work for models fitted with nlme:lme (i.e. fit_arg=nlme::lme). The random part of model cannot be passed on to extra_formula (i.e. extra_formula=(1|ID)), nor to fit_arg (i.e. fit_arg=list(method="ML",random=(1|ID)), nor directly as an argument of the function.

Is this not possible or am I missing something?

I could switch to lme4::lmer but I have special variance structures (varIdent). Moreover, my actual random structure is more complicated (crossed) than what is described above so I had to deal with pdBlocked and pdIdent to combine crossed "year" and "plot" effects (i.e. random = pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~ year_s - 1),pdIdent(~ plot - 1))).

Sorry for the trouble.