
Updating manual tables

grgmiller opened this issue · 2 comments

The data/manual folder contains several manual tables. This issue describes how each of these are updated

  • ba_reference: update using manually_update_ba_reference.ipynb. Could be updated on a quarterly basis
  • default_gross_to_net_ratios.csv: Check the EIA Electric Power Monthly Technical Notes (Appendix C)
  • eGRID2020_crosswalk_of_EIA_ID_to_EPA_ID.csv: check table C-5 of the eGRID technical guide
  • emission_factors_for_co2_ch4_n2o: triggered by updates to EPA AP-42 or IPCC
  • emission_factors_for_nox: triggered by updates to EPA AP-42 or IPCC
  • emission_factors_for_so2: triggered by updates to EPA AP-42 or IPCC
  • energy_source_groups: check fuel categories used by EIA-930 and eGRID each year. Also check all fuel codes in the EIA-923 and EIA-860 tables. Check
  • epa_eia_crosswalk_manual: run manually_identify_crosswalk_updates. Check updates to PSDC.
  • geothermal_emission_factors: Triggered by updates to AP-42 or IPCC
  • ipcc_gwp: Triggered by release of new IPCC Assessment Report every few years. AR6 released in 2021, AR7 not expected until 2027
  • physical_ba: check transmission_distribution_owner_name each year
  • plants_not_connected_to_grid: Check PSDC and eGRID
  • steam_units_to_remove: Check if there are any plant_id_epa in CEMS that do not map to EIA and only report steam
  • updated_oth_energy_source_codes: run manually_update_OTH_fuel_code and check for plants with OTH fuel code
  • utility_name_ba_code_map: check for utility names that are not mapped to a ba code

2022 Update:

  • ba_reference: no update to the FERC table, new retirements of GLHB and GRIF according to EIA
  • default_gross_to_net_ratios.csv: No updates
  • eGRID2020_crosswalk_of_EIA_ID_to_EPA_ID.csv: updated based on eGRID2021. One new plant added to list
  • emission_factors_for_co2_ch4_n2o: No updates to AP-42 or IPCC
  • emission_factors_for_nox: No updates to AP-42 or IPCC
  • emission_factors_for_so2: No updates to AP-42 or IPCC
  • energy_source_groups: no changes based on pudl metadata
  • epa_eia_crosswalk_manual:
  • geothermal_emission_factors: no changes to source data
  • ipcc_gwp: most current report is still AR6
  • physical_ba
  • plants_not_connected_to_grid: no changes based on eGRID2021
  • steam_units_to_remove:
  • updated_oth_energy_source_codes: ran notebook, no new matches needed
  • utility_name_ba_code_map: ran notebook, added several new maps

When updating NOx and SO2 factors:

  • Always use the lowest of like values to be conservative
  • All parts of a combined cycle turbine should use the combustion turbine factors