

Opened this issue · 3 comments

ggdistribution(ppois, seq(0, 30), lambda = 20)
gives me continous function?

Thx for the report. It is caused by the line is drawned with geon line or ribbon. It should use step for discrete distributions.

p <- p + geom_factory(geom_ribbon, object, colour = colour,

PR is appreciated:)

If it plots the probability of a discrete distribution then it should be points or a thin line. And I have an issue with the percentage in the Y axis with the pdf of continous distribution as it seems to imply that this is a probability.

Anyway, do you guys think it would be possible to infer if its a discrete distribution otherwise than checking the call?

@lselzer I think we'll have to check the call to infer whether it's discrete or not since results from stats does not give that information to us directly.