
Looks like .env file is missing...

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I do not have a .eve file. As I mentioned before, there is no .eve file in the dennx repository.

It appears that you are mistaken. The command find .eve is searching for a file named .eve in the current directory and all of its subdirectories. Since there is no .eve file in the dennx repository, the command will not find anything.

If you are trying to update the API key, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the .env file in your text editor.
  2. Find the line that starts with API_KEY= and replace the existing API key with your own API key.
  3. Save the .env file.

Once you have updated the API key in the .env file, you can restart your Flask app and the new API key will be used.
Cloned site :

Hi. .env is not included, of course.