
runrestic fails to parse valid `keep-within` values

saimonn opened this issue · 2 comments

runrestic -n
Problem parsing /etc/runrestic.toml: invalid literal for int() with base 0: '48h' (line 19 column 1 char 360)

restic assumes the parameter keep-within should be integer, which is not the case.

It's a duration, like 3w2d8h

--keep-within duration keep all snapshots which have been made within the duration of the latest snapshot. duration needs to be a number of years, months, days, and hours, e.g. 2y5m7d3h will keep all snapshots made in the two years, five months, seven days, and three hours before the latest snapshot.

ok,. My bad, the value must be quoted, like keep-within = "48h"

Still, the code implicitly assume it's an integer, thus PR#26 should be merged .

agreed - continue this in the #26