
Use native bindings instead of string parsing

darkdragon-001 opened this issue · 3 comments

Use gopy to create the bindings to restic/cmd/cmd_backup.go#runBackup(opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, term *termstatus.Terminal, args []string). The same should be done for the other commands of course as well.

Structs and string arrays should work out of the box, for termstatus.Terminal.New(wr io.Writer, errWriter io.Writer, disableStatus bool) one needs to implement io.Writer interface which only needs a simple Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) which should call the python logger callback.

I wrote the go wrapper:

package gopythonlogger

type PythonLogger struct {
    Fun func(str string)

func (logger *PythonLogger) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    return len(p), nil

func New(fun func(str string)) *PythonLogger {
    return &PythonLogger { Fun: fun }

In Python, one can call it with

import go, gopythonlogger

ioWriter = gopythonlogger.New(lambda s : logger.debug(s))

😍 that looks awesome. I will look into that thanks

Will use the API then, restic/restic#2403 once that is implemented