
Add "includes" in config file

darkdragon-001 opened this issue · 1 comments

Allow including other files.

Modify parse_configuration() to get a base config as parameter:

-def parse_configuration(config_filename: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+def parse_configuration(config_filename: str, config_base: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
     logger.debug(f"Parsing configuration file: {config_filename}")
     with open(config_filename) as file:
         config = toml.load(file)
-    config = deep_update(config_base, dict(config))
+    config = deep_update(CONFIG_DEFAULTS, dict(config))
     if "name" not in config:
         config["name"] = os.path.basename(config_filename)
     jsonschema.validate(instance=config, schema=SCHEMA)
     return config


parsed_cfg = parse_configuration(c)

parsed_cfg = parse_configuration(c, CONFIG_DEFAULTS)
for include in reversed(config['includes']):
    parsed_cfg = parse_configuration(include, parsed_cfg)

as I said in other places: if you have a good reason for such a change and could provide a PR, I might merge it.