
Include restic logs

palto42 opened this issue · 2 comments

I tried runrestic and it seems to work in principle, but I don't get any log messages from restic itself, even if I specify log level "debug".
Is this intended behaviour or an issue with my installation?

I installed runrestic in Python 3.9 virtual environment and got no errors or warnings, for "backup" I only get the "spawning" message and no further putput.

Example output for "stats" command, which at least provides the result output:

$ sudo /opt/runrestic/bin/runrestic stats -l debug
Parsing configuration file: /etc/runrestic/user_backup.toml
[Environment] RESTIC_PASSWORD=**********
Spawning "['restic', '-r', 'rclone:qnap:my_pc/restic/users', 'stats', '-q', '--json']"
  "errors": 0,
  "stats": {
    "rclone:qnap:my_pc/restic/users": {
      "total_file_count": 3636345,
      "total_size_bytes": 52699188029,
      "duration_seconds": 156.62893509864807,
      "rc": 0
  "last_run": 1636301210.36535,
  "total_duration_seconds": 156.64174032211304

I found some time now to look deeper into the code and understood that the output form restic and the pre/post hooks is mostly ignored.

Since I would like to have logs from restic in my backup jobs, I forked this repository and developed a solution to add the output from restic into the runrestic logs. You can find the modified code in the branch restic_logs with a short explanation in the README.

Example logs at "info" level:

Mär 13 15:31:44 cubitus systemd[1]: Starting runrestic backup...
Mär 13 15:31:50 cubitus runrestic[42715]: restic: using parent snapshot 724e154c
Mär 13 15:31:50 cubitus runrestic[42715]: restic: [0:00] 0 files 0 B, total 0 files 0 B, 0 errors
Mär 13 15:32:33 cubitus runrestic[42715]: restic: Files:         564 new,   290 changed, 123565 unmodified
Mär 13 15:32:33 cubitus runrestic[42715]: restic: Dirs:          305 new,   595 changed, 25554 unmodified
Mär 13 15:32:33 cubitus runrestic[42715]: restic: Added to the repo: 68.563 MiB
Mär 13 15:32:33 cubitus runrestic[42715]: restic: processed 124419 files, 20.709 GiB in 0:43
Mär 13 15:32:33 cubitus runrestic[42715]: restic: snapshot 799e180a saved
Mär 13 15:32:33 cubitus runrestic[42841]: echo: Pre-hook test message
Mär 13 15:32:33 cubitus runrestic[42846]: restic: /boot/*.txt does not exist, skipping
Mär 13 15:32:35 cubitus runrestic[42846]: restic: using parent snapshot c1a41675
Mär 13 15:32:35 cubitus runrestic[42846]: restic: [0:00] 0 files 0 B, total 1 files 0 B, 0 errors
Mär 13 15:32:36 cubitus runrestic[42846]: restic: Files:           2 new,    14 changed,   956 unmodified
Mär 13 15:32:36 cubitus runrestic[42846]: restic: Dirs:            0 new,     8 changed,   195 unmodified
Mär 13 15:32:36 cubitus runrestic[42846]: restic: Added to the repo: 87.004 KiB
Mär 13 15:32:36 cubitus runrestic[42846]: restic: processed 972 files, 14.650 MiB in 0:01
Mär 13 15:32:36 cubitus runrestic[42846]: restic: snapshot 7c7ed896 saved
Mär 13 15:32:36 cubitus runrestic[42851]: echo: Post-hook test message
Mär 13 15:32:37 cubitus runrestic[42895]: restic: using parent snapshot f9546756
Mär 13 15:32:37 cubitus runrestic[42895]: restic: [0:00] 0 files, 0 B, 0 errors
Mär 13 15:32:38 cubitus runrestic[42895]: restic: Files:           0 new,     0 changed,  1888 unmodified
Mär 13 15:32:38 cubitus runrestic[42895]: restic: Dirs:            0 new,     0 changed,   103 unmodified
Mär 13 15:32:38 cubitus runrestic[42895]: restic: Added to the repo: 0 B
Mär 13 15:32:38 cubitus runrestic[42895]: restic: processed 1888 files, 11.342 GiB in 0:00
Mär 13 15:32:38 cubitus runrestic[42895]: restic: snapshot 82c08ade saved
Mär 13 15:32:38 cubitus systemd[1]: runrestic.service: Succeeded.
Mär 13 15:32:38 cubitus systemd[1]: Finished runrestic backup.
Mär 13 15:32:38 cubitus systemd[1]: runrestic.service: Consumed 1min 30.063s CPU time.

I your'e interested to add such function to your repo, I can raise a PR.

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