
Support Python 3.10 - EOL of Python 3.6

palto42 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi @andreasnuesslein,
What do you think of a general version update for this module since Python 3.6 is end of life already and latest Python is meanwhile 3.10?

The main changes in my view would be:

  • Change min supported version to 3.8 (or 3.7?)
  • Update the dependencies (poetry.lock)
  • Change versions tested in Travis to 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10

I'm not expecting any direct impact on the code, it would be mainly to catch-up with Python release cycle.
Since my main laptop uses Python 3.10 I've already using an update version of runrestic, including updated dependencies via Poetry.

Sounds super. Let's support 3.7 too, because that one is not "end of life" yet

Will update to support py3.7 - py3.10 , currently testing the updated version on my branch palto42/runrestic : upgrade_py3.7-3.10.

delivered with #57