Use sinon to mock node-mssql
cklat opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
I'm trying to mock a database connection for which I'm using the tedious node-mssql library (
More concretely, I'm trying to stub the ConnectionPool method of the library as follows (with mocha and chai):
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import * as mssql from 'mssql';
describe('EmployeeDiscountController', function () {
beforeEach(async function() {
sinon.stub(mssql, 'ConnectionPool').returns({
ConnectionPool: sinon.stub().returns({
request: () => {},
connect: () => {}
(I skipped all the unnecessary parts in the code.)
Unfortunately, I get the following error:
TypeError: Descriptor for property ConnectionPool is non-configurable and non-writable
at assertValidPropertyDescriptor (node_modules\sinon\lib\sinon\stub.js:138:15)
at Function.stub (node_modules\sinon\lib\sinon\stub.js:89:5)
at Object.stub (node_modules\sinon\lib\sinon\sandbox.js:389:39)
Do you know why this is?
I saw a PR that would resolve this issue but as I am using the latest sinon version (15.2.0) this problem seems to persist for me.
Is it advisable to even use sinon to mock such packages? I don't very little experience in writing tests and am actually using sinon the first time.
Thank you very much for your help!
Hi, this is is more less exactly what I covered in this new article I just wrote on different approaches to testing. You can see if you find your answer there: #2540
Basically, the value you are trying to stub is not a value, but a kind of getter. You can read about these here:
My article covers different approaches on how you can attach this (I cover 3 very different approaches, from tool configuration, external loaders and through exposing your code).