
lets make a tool that takes a http requests and prints the address of the request along with the MD5 hash of the response!

Primary LanguageGo


lets make a tool that takes a http requests and prints the address of the request along with the MD5 hash of the response!


  • build a tool which makes http requests and prints the address of the request along with the MD5 hash of the response.
  • The tool must be able to perform the requests in parallel so that the tool can complete sooner. The order in which addresses are printed is not important.
  • The tool must be able to limit the number of parallel requests, to prevent exhausting local resources. The tool must accept a flag to indicate this limit, and it should default to 10 if the flag is not provided.
  • The tool must have unit tests
  • A README.md must be included describing the usage of this tool.

how to run

	go build -o md5hasher

     ./md5hasher -parallel 3 google.com facebook.com yahoo.com yandex.com
     ./md5hasher google.com facebook.com yahoo.com yandex.com

	go test -test.v -run ''