Error after receiving a (268) QOS REPORT
hansgoos opened this issue · 3 comments
I see the following error message after receiving a (268) QOS REPORT from our ACME/ORACLE SBC
{ CallID: '7DC57216AA112655@' }
{ type: 'HEP',
version: 3,
payload_type: 'JSON',
captureId: 2017,
capturePass: 'oracme',
ip_family: 2,
protocol: 17,
proto_type: 35,
srcIp: undefined,
dstIp: undefined,
srcPort: undefined,
dstPort: undefined,
correlation_id: '7DC57216AA112655@',
mos: 440,
time_sec: 1567681411,
time_usec: 940 }
Sending HEP3 Packet to localhost:9060...
HEP3 Error sending!
TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
at Object.encapsulate (/var/opt/hepfix.js/node_modules/hep-js/index.js:89:23)
at sendHEP3 (/var/opt/hepfix.js/hep-client.js:121:31)
at Object.preHep (/var/opt/hepfix.js/hep-client.js:88:5)
at MOSit (/var/opt/hepfix.js/hepfix.js:47:13)
at fixHandler (/var/opt/hepfix.js/hepfix.js:212:5)
at fixHandler (/var/opt/hepfix.js/hepfix.js:112:4)
at Socket. (/var/opt/hepfix.js/hepfix.js:243:2)
at Socket.emit (events.js:198:13)
at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:288:12)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:269:11)
The rest of the SIP messages are handled correctly, without errors.
This is due to the srcIp
being undefined:
var d = rcinfo.srcIp.split('.');
We can and should fix this both here and in hep-js to deal with null values.
Are there any other log lines preceding this error in console?
I pushed an updated version of hep-js
which should handle this case - please update your hepfix to use hep-js 1.0.19 and let me know - mind HOMER won't know what to do with this type of report unless configured to do so.
After using hep-js 1.0.19 the error is gone.
Thanks for your quick help!