
Incorrect Alpine version when pulling heplify-server:latest

Ay1000 opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Hi There,

When i do a docker pull heplify-server:latest from docker-hub, and we shell into this container running this image, we are getting alpine 3.12.0 as alpine version.

When we look at the docker file in '', we see that alpine:latest should be used which is 3.16 at the moment:
copy/paste from dockerfile:
FROM alpine:latest RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates WORKDIR /root/ COPY --from=builder /go/src/ . COPY --from=builder /go/src/ ./scripts_
As a result our container image scanner detects lots of issues/CVE's.

Are we doing something wrong? Please help.


if you can paste the errors log here, it can help better ;-)

rather than incorrect, its outdated since there were no commits in between to trigger the build CI - but that's why we point to latest and expect users to build their own version if they desire so. We'll merge a couple fixes a new version will appear.

@lmangani, Thanks, fair enough, however the image on docker-hub is dated 4 days ago. Do you mean that this heplify-server:latest is not necessarily a CI build which used the alpine:latest? And also alpine 3.12.0 is very old, like a couple of years old, was there no CI build in meantime?

So just to make my question/issue clear, if we pull the heplify-server:latest from docker-hub, which is updated 4 days ago, and we shell into the container running this heplify-server:latest image,
and run a cat /etc/os-release
we get

NAME="Alpine Linux" ID=alpine VERSION_ID=3.12.0 PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.12" HOME_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL=""

@Ay1000 can you please recheck ? It should be fine now

Thanks guys, checking. . . CI/CD is running.

It is working, thanks again both @adubovikov & @lmangani :)

Thank you @Ay1000 for catching this!