
issue api/v1/search/method with multi-node

Mickaelh51 opened this issue · 6 comments

I have a issue (maybe with multi-node) when I want to see any methods.

screenshot-homerdev 2016-09-05 11-59-19

With the firefox console, I can see no node param sent to the api.


PS: these screenshots are differents (not the same call-id).

Can you help me with this issue, I can't find where it is.

thanks in advance

the issue is because you didn't send the location node. But I think we have fixed it already. Do you use the last git ?

Yes I'm using the last git:

commit 6a5b99f23be52ba04ba206ec4a8b005712927e1e
Merge: fdbc9bf 8f03ff7
Author: Alexandr Dubovikov <>
Date:   Tue Aug 23 20:53:59 2016 +0200

    Merge pull request #80 from negbie/master

    Extend X-RTP-Stat header information

Homer API:

commit bbb6ad8a2bef8283ad5284a9741d61920dd57678
Merge: 502c547 04a1878
Author: Alexandr Dubovikov <>
Date:   Tue Aug 23 20:53:14 2016 +0200

    Merge pull request #99 from negbie/master

    Extend X-RTP-Stat header information

I'm sorry, but I don't know where location->node object should be populated...

can you please check the result of /api/v1/search/transaction ? What do you have in calldata->dbnode ?

btw, your Homer-API is outdate
as I wrote the issue has to be fixed already! Please update to the last one!

pfff I'm so noob sorry !
it's ok for me.

np, please close the ticket :-)