
HOMER7/Captagent truncated message data

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Teams,

I have truncated message content in my Homer7 interface.
In my context it is possible to identify multiple RR, multiple VIA, Max-Forwards, From, To, Contact, Call-ID, CSeq, Date, Allow, Supported, Content-Type, Content-Lenght, Stir Identity, P-Asserted, INVITE SDP, ...

Identity is truncated and i can't see the SDP in the message GUI.

Is it possible to configure or modify the indexed messages lenghts ?

At Captagent level ?
At Homer level ?
At Db level ?


Please star this repository to motivate the developers and to get higher priority! ⭐

Fragmentation is always at the agent level. Make sure reasm and tcpdefrag are enabled.

Please considering following our etiquette and starring the project when requesting assistance 😉

Thank you @lmangani,

With reasm set to true, i have only ACK, BYE, CANCEL in the main window panel.
The "graph" is dazed and losing his hops by hops casual schematic.

With tcpdefrag set to true, i can't see any impact.
I did try all combinations with theses params, no way.

But you got the perfect root vector, initial INVITE fragmentation issue.