
Incorrect values for Amigo, plus further error

AngainorDev opened this issue · 1 comments

No LVGL touchscreen demo does work with MaixPy Amigo.

For once, the i2c pins are not right

These should be 24 and 27 for Amigo.
Then, there is a further error "OSError: [Errno 5] EIO"
when calling ts.init(i2c).

(tried with several firmwares: factory, 0.5.0, 0.5.1, including a custom built one from current master)

In current state, touch panel is not usable with LVGL.

Can you point us to a fix?

Got it finally working by coding a pure python input callback for lvgl, using sample code from MaixUI.
Not perfect, but allows to get touch screen semi working with LVGL at least.
Will post it later on.

A better option would be to include the full C driver of FT6x36.
It's been done for ESP32, could be added as a module to the MaixPy firmware build, see

Didn't do it because of the custom build system of MaixPy, didn't know where to put and activate micropython usermods, should be a simple drop and compile op.