
How to use it to template a variable in url?

bronze1man opened this issue · 1 comments

I have following php template, I am trying to translate to gorazor template.

<img src="/public/image/login-image-<?php echo rand(1,5);?>.jpg" alt="Login Full Background" class="full-bg animation-pulseSlow">

I have tried this:

    import (
<img src="/public/image/login-image-@kmgRand.IntBetween(0,5).jpg" alt="Login Full Background" class="full-bg animation-pulseSlow">

It will product:

package Tpl

import (

func AdminLoginPage() string {
    var _buffer bytes.Buffer
    _buffer.WriteString("\n<img src=\"/public/image/login-image-")
    _buffer.WriteString(gorazor.HTMLEscape(kmgRand.IntBetween(0, 5).jpg))
    _buffer.WriteString("\" alt=\"Login Full Background\" class=\"full-bg animation-pulseSlow\">")

    return _buffer.String()

Sorry for disturbing you.
I have fixed it with following code:

    import (
<img src="/public/image/login-image-@(kmgRand.IntBetween(0,5)).jpg" alt="Login Full Background" class="full-bg animation-pulseSlow">