

Closed this issue · 12 comments


I have implemented everything as you wanted but I still have a problem with this ->, "picker");

there is apparently no show attributes in your BSImagePicker.

Thank you for your time !


BSImagePicker extends from DialogFragment, so there apparently has a .show() method....

I am pretty sure you forgot to call .build() for the builder. Builder of course does not have .show().

What does Android Studio tell you when you mouse over to .show?

I never see such error message. Would you mind post a screencap?

Sorry I can't see any screencaps...


like as if show() was not part of it !

Would you mind screenshot again with mouse-overing to .show()? it should show an error message.

With that said, most likely it will say Cannot resolve method show().

Without looking at more information, I guess this is most probably you didn't include support library in your project. But this is not likely too because I see your MainActivity extends from AppCompatActivity.

So, would you provide 2 more information:
(1) The imports at the top of your MainActivity;
(2) Your app module's build.gradle?

The mouse-overing + imports:
mouse hover

The build.gradle:

Thank you

Ya... You didn't include support library in your dependencies.
implementation '' should solve your problem.

Another way is to change implementation ' to api ' But this is generally not a preferred way because you may included unnecessary dependencies that the library depended on.