
ftree-export got errors

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I followed the document here and got very errors when running. I ran it on windows.

Firstly, I started a sirius-gui. I dragged the ms files into GUI and computed all. Then I quited the GUI. I saved the project space at D:\data\sirius\projectmb.

Secondly, I ran the command as following, where my work directory was `D:\data\sirius' :

sirius --input projectmb ftree-export --json --output ftrees 

Errors occurred: Path "massbankprj" does not exist and will be skipped. and also Error when writing tree output file to: ftrees java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Program Files\sirius\ftrees

Then, I use the absolute path:

sirius --input D:\data\sirius\projectmb ftree-export --json --output D:\data\sirius\ftrees 

This time, input was OK, but output was still an error: No output location given. Writing output to input location: D:\coding\data\sirius-new\massbankprj

I tried to combine them: I create the C:\Program Files\sirius\ftrees directory and ran as following:

sirius --input D:\data\sirius\projectmb ftree-export --json --output ftrees 

But still, same error as previous one.

Please help, this is very important to me.
