
Mod is missing key implementations

kmatsumari opened this issue · 1 comments

Plan Hammer is not in the recipe list, and cannot be spawned via console (item "_PlanHammerPieceTable" exists but nothing appears anywhere when spawned).

Also, I started with trying to test a vbuild I downloaded to see if the build would fit in a particular area. Since it was too big, I wanted to remove it and try another location... but I can't seem to delete the big plan, except piece by piece. holding L-Ctrl and clicking does nothing inside the radius, even when the radius is tiny; only the "affected" pieces are lit up bright red as though they should get deleted.

I tried looking through different directories on where the PlanBuild data for the world might be so I can just delete it that way for now, but I am finding nothing, so unless someone were to look through your source code to determine where/how this data is saved on a local or server save, I see this tool is fraught with the ability to set a crap ton of plans that cannot be easily removed which will be an eyesore everywhere.

Until these two major core issues are addressed, I have to uninstall the mod - to which I truly like the ideas your mod adds to the game, but they are just unpolished ideas at this time.

EDIT: I retract my issue statement - these are now resolved with the new update 0.14.0.

I did figure out that delete all in radius is done by holding both Left Ctrl AND left Alt then left-click.

However, the plan totem is unbuildable and does not allow me to quickly build planned structures. I see my character swing the hammer at the ground, use stamina to "build" something, but nothing shows up and there's nothing to interact with - so huge builds I have schematics for or large plans I lay out have to be manually "built" piece by piece... almost seems useless toi use this mod if I can't make use of the build... and because the blueprint isn't usable by buildshare, I don't even have that as an option to load my build into another world. The demo pics/video depict these features working, but IDK why it's not working with me.