
The name "secrets" complicates discovery

Closed this issue · 8 comments

While secrets is basically "get secrets" and expect none to be returned, the name is, well, not very S.E.O. friendly. @sirwart, are you open to considering some other names while this tool is still in its infancy?

Agreed, considering that is a GNOME tool that has the same name (yet different functionality).

I named it in honor of the venerable strings utility, which I guess is also not very SEO friendly. I wanted it to feel more like a unix utility and less like a product with a clever name. I'm open to new names but don't have any ideas at the moment

The name also complicates packaging the application for archlinux user repository

Since you mentioned that you are open to new names, I'd like to suggest ripsecrets, 'rip-' is already associated with searching thanks to ripgrep and this utility searches for secrets :)

Perhaps something on the detect-secrets model of {scan,detect,grep,find}-{secrets,keys,leaks}... E.g. detect-leaks.

keyleaks sounds good while being "unixy".

scankey is funny cos it sounds like skanky :p

Personally I wouldn't worry too much about SEO - people will just search "secrets GitHub" or whatever, but having the right name in repos is really useful.

@yigitsever I kinda like ripsecrets. I don't think it should be abbreviated it like rg, but since it's not a tool you're invoking manually terribly often that's OK. I'll keep thinking about that.

I really like ripsecrets. It's a great double meaning:

  1. due homage to ripgrep
  2. "If this tool finds any secrets… R.I.P. secrets!"

Another comment from HN:

You might want to pick a different name since it collides with my already-published crate.

Edit: Just saw you're already in that thread! :headpalm:

I just updated the name of the tool to ripsecrets. Thanks for the feedback everyone!