
ProGAP Code Execution Errors

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Sisaman:
So happy to see your code about ProGAP. I'm attempting to execute the code, but I encounter errors. Specifically, when the model is set to GNN-DP and the graph convolution layer is either GCN or GAT, an error arises during runtime:
ValueError: Attempted to use an uninitialized parameter in <built-in method empty_like of type object at 0x7f9ba553a140>. This error happens when you are using a LazyModule or explicitly manipulating torch.nn.parameter.UninitializedParameter objects. When using LazyModules Call forward with a dummy batch to initialize the parameters before calling torch functions.
Can you tell me how to fix the bug? Thanks.

Can you give me the exact CLI command you use to reproduce the error?

Thank you for your response. The exact CLI command I used is: python gnn node --dataset facebook --hidden_dim 16 --activation relu --optimizer adam --learning_rate 0.01 --repeats 1 --epochs 100 --batch_size 64 --verbose False --base_layers 1 --head_layers 1 --jk cat --epsilon 8.0 --project GNN.

To utilize the GCN architecture as the backbone GNN model, I modified core/methods/gnn/ at line 36 to conv='gcn'.