
Hey, May I know how long does it take to run the build and display the GUI?

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Hey, May I know how long does it take to run the build and display the GUI?

Hey :-) are you having problems or just wondering? It probably takes about 30 seconds to a minute for the build to run. Then when you run the exe, it can take a while for the GUI to appear because it's encrypting files in the background, so depends on how many files are being encrypted

Thank you :) Actually it's been around 60+ minutes and the GUI has not appeared yet. :( In case if I customize and select only doc files to be encrypted and let me assume I have around 15 doc files. How long would it take?

No probs. Hmmm, perhaps what you're doing isn't quite right. Does it look like the build has finished? is the progress bar full? The ransomware doesn't actually run straight away after it's been built, you'll need to open the exe yourself. If you click the "Open Containing Folder" button once the build has finished, it should take you to where the binary is located.

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Actually, its a taking a quite long time for the build to run. Yeah and i did open the exe itself :(

Ahhhh I see... I think something might have broken in the background. Can you run Builder.pyw from a command prompt/terminal session and try again? When it gets to that same point, have a look in the command prompt and see if there are any errors... I reckon there will be something

Thanks ! My problem is solved!

Sorry for the delay. Glad you got things sorted! What was the problem?

Hey! Actually I tried redoing the whole process in another acc and it worked!