
SPHinXsys (pronunciation: s'finksis) is an acronym from Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for industrial compleX systems. It provides C++ APIs for physical accurate simulation and aims to model coupled industrial dynamic systems including fluid, solid, multi-body dynamics and beyond with SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics), a meshless computational method using particle discretization.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0



SPHinXsys (pronunciation: s'finksis) is an acronym from Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for industrial compleX systems. It provides C++ APIs for physical accurate simulation and aims to model coupled industrial dynamic systems including fluid, solid, multi-body dynamics and beyond with SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics), a meshless computational method using particle discretization. Please check the documentation of the code at https://xiangyu-hu.github.io/SPHinXsys/. For more information on the SPHinXsys project, please check the project website: https://www.sphinxsys.org. For program manual and tutorials, please check https://www.sphinxsys.org/html/sphinx_index.html.

SPHinXsys is a multi-physics, multi-resolution SPH library. Although it is not a standalone application itself, many examples designated for the specific type of applications are provided.

Algorithm publications

The algorithms in SPHinXsys are based on the following publications:

  1. Luhui Han and Xiangyu Hu, "SPH modeling of fluid-structure interaction", Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2018: 30(1):62-69.

  2. Chi Zhang and Massoud Rezavand and Xiangyu Hu, "Dual-criteria time stepping for weakly compressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics", Journal of Computational Physics 404 (2020) 109135

  3. Chi Zhang et al. "SPHinXsys: An open-source meshless, multi-resolution and multi-physics library", Software Impacts, 6 (2020) 100033

  4. Chi Zhang, Massoud Rezavand, Xiangyu Hu, "A multi-resolution SPH method for fluid-structure interactions", Journal of Computational Physics, in press (2021)

  5. Chi Zhang, Yanji Wei, Frederic Dias, Xiangyu Hu, "An efficient fully Lagrangian solver for modeling wave interaction with oscillating wave energy converter", arXiv:2012.05323

  6. Chi Zhang, Jianhang Wang, Massoud Rezavand, Dong Wu, Xiangyu Hu, "An integrative smoothed particle hydrodynamics framework for modeling cardiac function", arXiv:2009.03759

Software Architecture

SPHinXsys is cross-platform can be compiled and used in Windows, Linux and Apple systems.


Here, we give the instructions for installing on Ubuntu Linux, Apple OS and Windows Visual Studio.

Installing on Ubunutu Linux and Mac OS

  1. Make sure that gcc, gfrotran, wget, git, cmake and google test are installed and updated.

  2. Install Boost and TBB libraries

     $ sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev
     $ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

    and set the environment by

     $ echo 'export TBB_HOME=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' >> ~/.bashrc
     $ echo 'export BOOST_HOME=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' >> ~/.bashrc
  3. Install Simbody library

     LAPCK library:
     $ sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev
     optinal for visualizer:
     $ sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
     $ sudo apt-get install libxi-dev libxmu-dev
     Download a release version at https://github.com/simbody/simbody/releases, for example version 3.7:
     $ wget https://github.com/simbody/simbody/archive/Simbody-3.7.tar.gz
     $ tar xvzf Simbody-3.7.tar.gz
     Make build and install directory, and go the build folder:
     $ mkdir $HOME/simbody-build && mkdir $HOME/simbody
     $ cd $HOME/simbody-build
     Configure and generate Make files:
     $ cmake $HOME/simbody-Simbody-3.7 
     -DBUILD_VISUALIZER=on (optional set to ON if simbody visualizer is going to be used) 
     -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBRARIES=on (optional, leave it off if you don't know what are you doing)
     Bulid, test and install:
     $ make -j8
     $ ctest -j8
     $ make -j8 install
     Allow to be found by SPHinXsys:
             $ echo 'export SIMBODY_HOME=$HOME/simbody' >> ~/.bash_profile
             $ echo 'export SIMBODY_HOME=$HOME/simbody' >> ~/.bashrc
     Set environment variables:
             $ echo 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/simbody-prefix/lib' >> ~/.bash_profile
             $ echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$SIMBODY_HOME/lib' >> ~/.bashrc
             $ echo 'export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH:$SIMBODY_HOME/include' >> ~/.bashrc
  4. Update and check environment setup before building SPHinXsys. The following commands should update the environment and report the corresponding paths.

     $ source ~/.bashrc
     $ echo $SIMBODY_HOME
     $ echo $TBB_HOME
     $ echo $BOOST_HOME
  5. Build SPHinXsys

     Download the SPHinXsys from https://github.com/Xiangyu-Hu/SPHinXsys or Bitbucket if you have the link and password to the internal group repository for the newest version:
     $ git clone https://github.com/Xiangyu-Hu/SPHinXsys.git
     $ mkdir $HOME/sphinxsys-build
     $ cd $HOME/sphinxsys-build
     $ cmake /path/to/sphinxsys/source-code -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
     You can build, test all test cases and install by
     $ make -j
     $ ctest
     You can play with SPHinXsys, for example run a specific test case by
     $ cd /path/to/sphinxsys-build/cases_test/test_2d_dambreak
     $ make -j 
     $ cd /bin
     $ ./test_2d_dambreak
  6. Create and build your own application

     Create your own application in the cases_user in the source folder simply by copying the entire folder of a similar test case and rename and modify application files
     Re-run the cmake in the build folder
     $ cmake /path/to/sphinxsys/source-code -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
     You can make and run your application
     $ cd /path/to/sphinxsys-build/cases_user/your_application_folder
     $ make -j 
     $ cd /bin
     $ ./your_application

Installing on Ubunutu Linux using the dependency-free version

  1. Note: Do not clone the submodules if you are using the default installation

  2. Get all submodules, run this command in the command line of the SPHinXsys project folder

     $ git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Edit the CMake variables to define which dependency to use. Simbody and/or TBB can be built by the project. If one is not built by the project, install that dependency in the usual way as written before.

     Go to SPHinXsys/cmake/Dependency_free_settings.cmake
     Set BUILD_WITH_SIMBODY to 1 if Simbody should be built by the project
     Set BUILD_WITH_ONETBB to 1 if TBB should be built by the project
     Set ONLY_3D to 1 if the 2D libraries and test cases are not needed. Note that Boost is still needed if this variable is set to 0
     Do not modify the other variables
  4. Build the SPHinXsys project as described in the previous section

Install on Windows Visual Studio

You can find a installation instruction video: https://youtu.be/m0p1nybM4v4, and install by the following steps:

  1. Install latest version Cmake, SmartGit (choose non-commercial option) binary and googel test.

     Install google test, we download the release version from the github reporsitory: <https://github.com/google/googletest/releases>, 
     build and install it. For this, you will extract the source and create a new build directory. 
     Using Cmake, you will configurate and generate a Visual Studio project. 
     Be sure that, in Cmake GUI, you have clicked the two options: build_shared_libs and install_gtest. 
     The install prefix you can choose the default one (in winodws program files and, in this case, you later need run Visual Studio as admistrator) or other new directory. 
     Open the generated project in Visual Studio, build all and install both for Debug and ReleaseWithDebugInfo targets. 
     Then, you need setup Windows system environment variables: GTEST_HOME with the vaule of the install prefix directory. 
     Also you need add the bin directory as new path. the dll files inside need to found when running the tests.
  2. Build, test and install Simbody

     Downloading from https://github.com/simbody/simbody/releases
     Unpack to source folder, like: c:\simbody-source 
     Create build folder, like: c:\simbody-build
     Use Cmake, configure with option Visual Studio 2017 x64 and then Generate the solution file for VS2017 (Note that install prefix should be a file folder not in system folder. For example : C:/simbody)
     Choose RelWithDebInfo target, Right-clicking ALL_BUILD and selecting build
     Right-clicking INSTALL and selecting build.
     Choose Debug target (this important for debug with Simbody functions) 
     Right-clicking ALL_BUILD and selecting build
     Right-clicking INSTALL and selecting build.
     Set Environment Variable (User Variables) by add an entry SIMBODY_HOME to the simbody directory.
     Add the simbody\bin path to Environmental Variable (System variables)
  3. Install TBB library

     Download Binary installer, actually extract the file to the assigned folder , e.g. C:/tbb_version
     Set Environment Variable (User Variables): TBB_HOME to the tbb directory
     Set the path bin\intel64\vc14 to Environmental Variable (System variables)
  4. Install Boost library

     Download binary and install boost with download from https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/
     NOTE that you need choose right version for your visual studio. For VS 2019 you choose msvc-14.2-64, VS2017 msvc-14.1-64
     Set Environment Variable (User Variables): BOOST_HOME to its directory
     Add the Boost library (lib64 with version) path to Environmental Variable (System variables)
  5. Buidling SPHinXsys project

     Clone SPHinXsys source files to local computer using SmartGit
     Remember to create a new build directory outside of the git directory to avoid upload the project files to the         
     Use Cmake to build project file
     Configure x64 build and Generate
     After configuration, one can choose debug or release mode of the project file.
     Note that you need choose the same debug or release mode in the Visual Studio as you have chosen in Cmake.
     Otherwise, it may lead to compiling issues. 
  6. Build execute able and run test cases in Visual Studio

  7. Create and build your own application

     Create your own application in the cases_user in the source folder simply by copying the entire folder of a similar test case and rename and modify application files

Build with docler

Two docker files are provided:

  1. Dockerfile: C++ default docker image (x86_64 ubuntu 20.04). Every libraries are installed using debian packages (Simbody is 3.6 instead of 3.7). The docker image size is smallest and suitable for docker hub or CI/CD.

command to build:

docker build . -t sphinxsys:latest

command to run test:

docker run sphinxsys:latest bash scripts/runTest.sh

  1. dev.Dockerfile: development packages are all installed and simbody is downloaded and compiled in the image building process. This image is too big and can not be used for github testing. Only for local development purposes.

command to build:

docker build . -f dev.Dockerfile -t sphinxsys:dev

additional build arguement can be added to the end of the docker build command using the following syntax: --build-arg =

build_with_dependencies_source=0 : default, builds with preprecompiled dependencies build_with_dependencies_source=1 : builds dependencies together with Sphinxsys

How to run gpuSPHinXsys cases on CUDA enabled GPUs?

The build process for GPU cases are identical to the CPU cases on all platforms, viz. Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. However, the following notes must be considered:

    The flag -DACTIVATE_CUDA=ON must be added to let the compiler find an installed version of CUDA. 
    CUDA 11.0 or higher has to be installed.
    Choose RelWithDebInfo mode to build.
    You need to modify the "BUILD_GPU_ARCH" from the master CMake file according to the architecture of your GPU.
    Just identify the architecture of your GPU and use the proper value of BUILD_GPU_ARCH according the the available tables like this one:
    Two examples are 75 for Turing and 60 for Pascal.


Any contribution to SPHinXsys are welcome. For this, you will do the following steps:

  1. Fork the project & clone locally.
  2. Create an upstream remote and sync your local copy before you branch.
  3. Branch for each separate piece of work.
  4. Do the work, write good commit messages, and read the CONTRIBUTING file if there is one.
  5. Push to your origin repository.
  6. Create a new PR in GitHub.
  7. Respond to any code review feedback.

For more detailed guide, please visit https://akrabat.com/the-beginners-guide-to-contributing-to-a-github-project/