
Pod dependency

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Importing the library through cocoapods the pod import wrong libraries, some required are not there and some not required are there.

This is a list that I receive using pod update

Using CSSSelectorConverter (1.2.1) 
Using CocoaLumberjack (1.9.2)
Using IGHTMLQuery (0.8.4)
Using NUIParse (1.2.1)

This is the list that I expect to have

Using IGHTMLQuery (0.8.4)
Using CSSSelectorConverter (1.2.1) 
Using JavaScriptCoreOpalAdditions (0.3.1)

I looked into the code and I'm pretty sure that the error is in the podspec and into the podfile.lock

@serluca take a look at the podspec for CSSSelectorConverter, it depends on both CocoaLumberjack and NUIParse, so IGHTMQuery also inherits those dependencies.

Like @kaandedeoglu said, NUIParse is a dependency of CSSSelectorConverter, and JavaScriptCoreOpalAdditions is only needed if you imported IGHTMLQuery/Ruby sub-spec. Cocoapods is a dependency manager, it do not only add what you specify, but also their dependency.