
Gatsby transformer plugin for Asciidoc using asciidoctor.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Parses asciidoc files using asciidoctor.js


npm install --save @jtanguy/gatsby-transformer-asciidoctor

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `@jtanguy/gatsby-transformer-asciidoctor`,

Parsing algorithm

It recognizes only files with the adoc extensions as asciidoc.

Each asciidoc file is parsed into a node of type Asciidoctor.

The following standard attributes are stored in the document’s frontmatter:

  • title

  • date

  • version

  • remark

  • author

  • authors: a list of authors, with the following fields:

    • name

    • firstname

    • lastname

    • email

    • initials

The following non-standard attributes are stored in the document’s frontmatter


The description attribute


The tags attribute. The value is split into a list using ; as a delimiter