
CH 14.1 - V2 API using V3 health check

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Somehow, I doubt i'm the first one to run into this, but I thought it's worth covering.

14.2 - with the add of the V2 image, the health check in the prod-healthcheck is written for V3 image of Numbers API.

You will get an error about dotnet not being installed, but the real problem is the V2 image doesn't have the dotnet version of the healthcheck image. Suggest changing:

join the healthcheck and v2 overrides to the previous files:  docker-compose -f ./numbers/docker-compose.yml -f ./numbers/prod.yml -f ./numbers/prod-healthcheck.yml -f ./numbers/v2.yml --log-level ERROR config > stack.yml


join the healthcheck and v2 overrides to the previous files:  docker-compose -f ./numbers/docker-compose.yml -f ./numbers/prod.yml -f ./numbers/prod-healthcheck.yml -f ./numbers/v3.yml --log-level ERROR config > stack.yml

I also had the same problem, and solved it by changing v2.yml to v3.yml. thank you