
Support memcached with authorization

Mr-LiuDC opened this issue · 6 comments

If the memcached service requires user name and password authentication, how should I configure it?

Currently there is not such option. We will look into adding authentication support in the case you need it for your setup. Could you let us know if you use your own memcached service instance, or the one provided by cloud provider.

As I know some cloud service providers can set the account and password for memcached instances, such as AWS and aliyun.

And also this docker image can run an authentication memcached instance.

Will there be a release to add authentication support? I want to connect to a redis server that requires a password

Will there be a release to add authentication support? I want to connect to a redis server that requires a password

I'm not sure how it's related to the Redis, since this library is a wrapper for the Memcached cache.

Anyway, we are planing to release the authentication support in a manner of week(s), depending what would be included within the next library release.

Would be great have the feature, actually for small project the cost of memcached in GCP is "expensive" so a cheapest alternative is use, which also offers memcache service. But by default the authorization is mandatory.

Thx a lot for your work, I hope authorization feature will be ready soon.

Supported with release version 2.5.0