support for SpringBoot version 3 and up
bane-avenso opened this issue · 2 comments
bane-avenso commented
Hello team,
I'm trying to migrate our project being at SpringBoot v2.7.5 to the latest v3.0.2, and using:
<!-- Memcached for Spring Boot -->
...but integration is not working.
Do you plan to provide an version upgrade soon maybe?
Thank you very much :-)
igorbolic commented
We are planing to add the required setup to support Spring Boot 3, sometime during next week.
In the meantime until it is released, you could still continue to use auto-configuration with Spring Boot 3 using the following setup:
@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class SomeConfiguration {
igorbolic commented
Fixed with release version 2.4.4