
use glide,RoundedImageView no effect

Cangol opened this issue · 5 comments

use glide,RoundedImageView no effect

same problem here.

try to add asBitmap() chain, like below

    .into(imageView) ```


Doesn't work here, even I use .asBitmap() chain. below is the code snippet for loading an image that should be rounded and using crossfade animation:

Note: i'm using Glide 4

                .load(/* some image url */)
                .apply(new RequestOptions()
                        .bitmapTransform(new CenterCrop())

I was able to do that by wrapping out the image with some layout and setting a padding (something like 1dp) into layout, then setting the following shape as a background:

<shape xmlns:android=""

    <corners android:radius="@dimen/inbox_item_background_radius" />

    <stroke android:width="@dimen/inbox_item_background_stroke_width" android:color="@color/back_shadow_color"/>
