
sdm_eval fails for presence-only tune_max

wardfont opened this issue · 1 comments

When using tune_max with presence-only data and background, the evaluation step fails since both the number of absences and presences have to be greater than zero in line 152 of sdm_eval: if (na == 0 | np == 0).

Is there a way to use tune_max with presence-only data?

Thank you so much for reporting it. Now fit_max, tune_max, and esm_max functions can fit maxent model with presences and background points. However, if you intend to compare maxent with other algorithms (e.g., RF, SVM, GAM), I strongly recommend fitting maxent with presences-pseudo-absences (or presences-absences) and background points. If those three data types are used in fit_max, tune_max, and esm_max, models will be fitted with presences and background points and validated with presence and pseudo-absences (or absences). See in the new package documentation about these fitting options.

Here is an example of how to fit maxent with only with presences and background points



abies # environmental conditions of presence-absence data
backg # environmental conditions of background points

# Using k-fold partition method
# Remember that the partition method, number of folds or replications must
# be the same for presence-absence and background points datasets

abies <- abies %>% dplyr::filter(pr_ab==1) %>% dplyr::slice_sample(prop = 0.5)
abies2 <- part_random(
  data = abies,
  pr_ab = "pr_ab",
  method = c(method = "kfold", folds = 3)

backg <- backg %>% dplyr::slice_sample(prop = 0.5)
backg <- dplyr::sample_n(backg, size = 2000, replace = FALSE)
backg2 <- part_random(
  data = backg,
  pr_ab = "pr_ab",
  method = c(method = "kfold", folds = 3)

gridtest <-
    regmult = seq(0.1, 3, 0.5),
    classes = c("l", "lq", "lqh")

max_t1 <- tune_max(
  data = abies2,
  response = "pr_ab",
  predictors = c("aet", "pH", "awc", "depth"),
  predictors_f = c("landform"),
  partition = ".part",
  background = backg2,
  grid = gridtest,
  thr = "max_sens_spec",
  metric = "TSS",
  clamp = TRUE,
  pred_type = "cloglog",
  n_cores = 6 # activate six cores for speed up this process

plot(max_t1$model, type="cloglog")